To recruit a top-tier talent with Vidmonials is convenient for anyone irrespective of their industry and business nature.
Nevertheless, a top-tier talent includes individuals who possess in-demand skills and are sought-after by many top companies. And as for attracting top-tier talent, you can do so by presenting your company with ideal workplace culture.
Vidmonials is an online video recording software that comes with several beneficial features. And hiring candidates through a video-recruitment is one of the Vidmonials’ various primary avails.
Besides helping with hiring high-skilled individuals, Vidmonials also helps perform screen capturing and web-cam recordings.
Different industries can leverage Vidmonials, including real estate, eCommerce, recruitment, and customer testimonial industries. However, this article discusses its help in recruiting and interviewing top candidates in detail.
Read below how you can recruit a top-tier talent with Vidmonials:
How you can recruit a top-tier talent with Vidmonials

With Vidmonials, you can acquire highly-skilled candidates to work for you. Thus, you can have top-tier candidates working for your company through it.
Vidmonials also help you reduce candidate ghosting to a great extent by making the interviewing process easier and quicker. Also, it makes the hiring process rather personalized, which helps make fewer candidates abandon the process in the middle.
The entire recruiting process using Vidmonials is convenient for both interviewee and the interviewer. Thus, it can help any organization hire the candidate with the most relevant and required skills.
In addition to this, Vidmonials enables an employer to acquire candidates who possess the most sought-after skills in a respective industry/business. And this empowers a company to have itself the cream of the top candidates.
Lessen the Applicants’ Ghosting
A hiring process that takes place off-site is very dispassionate since it lacks a sense of personalization in the entire process. And this results in a large number of candidates ghosting.
Vidmonials lets the employers carry out the hiring process using video conversations. Hence, using its video functionality makes the procedure become video-based, making the recruitment process more personalized.
With the process of hiring becoming video-based and personal, fewer candidates ghost. It is how a company can recruit a top-tier talent with Vidmonials.
Individualize the recruitment process
Most often than not, companies perform a generalized hiring process. It means that each candidate passes through, more or less, the same hiring process, regardless of the skills and domain.
Companies using common methods to hire particular candidates instead of specific techniques make attracting top candidates difficult.
In general, the highly-skilled people are, believed to be, more creative in comparison. And so, a company using a very general interviewing and hiring mechanism may also lead to it losing the top candidates to its competitors.
Leverage the candidates’ feedback
Not only can you recruit skilled individuals to work for yourself, but you can also have the candidates review your hiring process.
A company becomes able to improve its hiring procedure by making the interviewees give feedback regarding the very process. Moreover, using candidate feedback, a company can better promote itself as an employer brand.
Not only can you recruit a top-tier talent with Vidmonials using its video utility, but it can also optimize your interviewing process, along with making your employer brand stronger.
Read More: 5 Best Features of Remote Video Recording Software
Features that help you recruit a top-tier talent with Vidmonials

Vidmonials come with such valuable features to help companies have the candidates with the required and in-demand skills.
It makes each step of the recruitment process more straightforward. In addition, it makes hiring specific to candidates with different skills and belonging to other domains.
The features of Vidmonials that help your organization in the acquisition of the most suitable candidates are as follows:
Talent pool collection
Through Vidmonials, recruiters/employers can collect videos of all the candidates in a single place. And this enables the recruiters to have a video collection of the candidate pipeline. Furthermore, finding and searching the videos in the collection is easy and quick.
With a collection of the video-resume of all candidates, searching for the candidate with the required skills becomes easier. It makes it possible to fill the vacant position faster and with the most suitable candidate.
Additionally, you can filter the candidates based on the requirement from the available library of the video resumes.
Thus, the convenience of recruitment through Vidmonials is second to none.
Simplified process for interviewee and interviewer
To recruit top-tier talent with Vidmonials is easier and simpler for both the interviewee and the interviewer.
As for the interviewers, Vidmonials allows them to request multiple candidates simultaneously for the recruitment interview or video resume. And Vidmonials further simplifies the process for the interviewers by enabling them to make use of a single click to request the candidates.
In addition, the candidates, who are sent a request, do not require going through the signing up or any other process. It enables the interviewers, as well, to submit their video resumes with a single click.
Employee testimonies
You can also recruit top-tier talent with Vidmonials by leveraging testimonies of your serving employees.
In essence, using Vidmonials, you can create testimonial videos of your current employees about the positive work culture of your company. And such videos are to drive a message home that your organization is a better place to work.
Sharing your employees’ views can help significantly attract talented individuals since it can help to present your workplace as a progressive and fun place to work.
Using the employee testimonials, a company delivers a successful message that working for it allows professional growth. Hence, getting skilled lads working for it becomes a matter of time.
You can recruit a top-tier talent through Vidmonials easily.
It can get a company top talent by reducing the applicant ghosting and making the hiring process specific to each candidate. It also enables you to receive feedback from the interviewed candidates to improve recruitment.
The features of Vidmonials that help you get desired candidates include talent pool collection, a simplified video-hiring process, and employee testimonials.
Get yourself further familiar with Vidmonials at
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