
Video Review Feature for Yotpo Customers Reviews about your product or service on Yotpo can be converted into videos that make a strong case to make a purchase. Make sure customers know your brand is credible and authentic; use video reviews that compel the viewers and bring more traffic to your website. Get Started

Vidmonials Features

Video Testimonials

Video Testimonials

Build trust with your potential clients through professional video reviews and increase your sales conversions.

Convert Existing Reviews Into Videos

Regular text reviews on your Yotpo can be converted into aesthetically pleasing videos that can make customers perform action.

Convert Existing Reviews Into Videos
Enable Video Reviews In Your Existing Surveys

Enable Video Reviews In Your Existing Surveys

Make your business shine by utilizing the video reviews in your existing customer surveys for customer retention.

Easy-to-Manage Vidmonials Library

The Vidmonials library has all the video testimonials created that can be utilized or downloaded for further use.

Video Review Library
SEO Benefits of Video Review

Review Requests & SEO Benefits

Search Engines rank videos more than text, using a professional video review ensures you are ahead of your competitors.

Embeddable Video Widgets

With the help of embeddable video, you can show your video reviews to customers that land on your website.

Video Review Service widget
Video Testimonials Marketing

Sharing & Marketing Vidmonials

It is very easy to share and market Vidmonial video reviews. Just download from the library and share on social media.

Customers love to use Vidmonials. Here’s what they are saying

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