
Video Review Feature for Yelp Customers Are you getting reviews on yelp? Bring your text reviews to life with attention-grabbing video testimonials that will boost engagement four times more than regular text reviews. Get Started

Vidmonials Features

Video Testimonials

Video Testimonials

A video review done right and remains consistent throughout triggers the buyers to have the product and avoid fear of losing it.

Convert Existing Reviews Into Videos

It’s easier than ever before to make a boring text review into a video and make it more visible to the audience.

Convert Existing Reviews Into Videos
Enable Video Reviews In Your Existing Surveys

Enable Video Reviews In Your Existing Surveys

Vidmonials help businesses to leverage customer surveys by enabling the video reviews and get real-time feedback.

Easy-to-Manage Vidmonials Library

All collected review videos are stored in an easy to manage library. Testimonials can be later downloaded and shared.

Video Review Library
SEO Benefits of Video Review

Review Requests & SEO Benefits

Get more SEO reach and traffic on the website when you have customers sharing their experience through vidmonials.

Embeddable Video Widgets

Make your videos count by embedding them on your website and rating them as per their views and popularity.

Video Review Service widget
Video Testimonials Marketing

Sharing & Marketing Vidmonials

Recorded testimonials can be downloaded and easily shared on all social media platforms for marketing purposes.

Everyone Is So Excited To Use Vidmonials. Here’s Why.

Have a brief call with our experts to know how vidmonials can bring a massive change to your business.

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