
Video Review Feature for Trustpilot Customers About 75% of marketers say video converts better than any other medium and Trustpilot customers can get the most of it. Video testimonials are proven to be more effective and powerful as more than 80% of online buyers see video reviews before buying. Get Started

Vidmonials Features

Video Testimonials

Video Testimonials

Video reviews play a crucial role in maximizing conversion rates as consumers love to see other people sharing their experiences about a product.

Convert Existing Reviews Into Videos

Do you have boring text that you want to convert into video? Get more customers with Vidmonials professional text to video feature.

Convert Existing Reviews Into Videos
Enable Video Reviews In Your Existing Surveys

Enable Video Reviews In Your Existing Surveys

Enable Video reviews can be easily enabled into your existing surveys. Build customer trust and manage everything from a single platform.

Easy-to-Manage Vidmonials Library

Videos collected from clients are stored in a powerful library that can be downloaded and used for multiple marketing activities.

Video Review Library
SEO Benefits of Video Review

Review Requests & SEO Benefits

Video testimonials are more effective for SEO purposes than text reviews, as they are more believable and authentic for people.

Embeddable Video Widgets

It is easy to embed video widgets. You can build the trust of your customer by efficiently marketing videos through your website.

Video Review Service widget
Video Testimonials Marketing

Sharing & Marketing Vidmonials

Share video testimonials on your favorite social media channels once they are completed and downloaded on your device.

See How Other People Are Describing Our Work In Their Way

Choose the available slot of date and time that suits you, and book a demo call with our experts to learn more about Vidmonials.

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