Remote Video Testimonials

A Library With All Video Testimonials To Use Anywhere

Remote video testimonials are stored in the library and can be used anywhere through a link. You can download them to use for your marketing purpose.

Easy To Use

The vidmonials library dashboard is easy to use and requires no technical understanding to upload or see previous video testimonials.

Status by Filter

With the help of a filter, videos can be found and downloaded quickly. You can filter videos by ‘New,’ ‘Approved,’ and ‘On YouTube’ in the search.

Social Sharing

All video testimonials can be sent on multiple social media links with a single click. You can also copy an embedded code and show a video on your website.

How To Utilize Vidmonials Library?

Grow and expand your knowledge and experience of what’s possible by searching for other members’ testimonials. See how customers describe stories that are worth watching. Whether you’re looking for ideas or want to partner up with someone, there’s a whole world of testimonials waiting for you!

Video Testimonials

Collection Of Video Testimonials

Scroll through endless videos within the library to date and see the information you require for a particular video or its sender.

The Best Marketing Technique

Video testimonials from the library can be downloaded and used for various other marketing activities for branding your product or service.

Use Testimonials Anytime, Anywhere

With the help of a link or an embed code, send video testimonials from the library to anyone or place them in a beautiful box on your website.

Other Key Features Of Vidmonials

Remote video testimonials recorded and stored on the Vidmonials library can build more trust, increase credibility, and uplift your social proof.

Active Feedback Management

With Vidmonials, take your automation to the next level by integrating popular tools and earning more customer trust.

Smart Analytics and Reporting

Monitor the progress and status of your video testimonials and customers through our robust analytics and reporting system.

Redirect Users To ThankYou Page

Once the users have completed capturing video testimonials, route them to a thank you or coupon page to appreciate them.

Powerful Form Builder

Every client gets a review form builder that's both powerful and easy to use at the same time for creating video testimonials.

Screen Capturing Filter

Customers can easily record or even capture a screen with advanced video options while recording a video.

Embeddable Video Widgets

Showcase video testimonials on your website wherever you want and get more website traffic within a few days.

Level up trust in your brand with Vidmonials!

Get started with us today and boost your sales.