
Video Review Feature for Amazon Customers Maximize your presence on Amazon by converting your customer text reviews to authentic and catchy video reviews.

Video reviews appear in 60% of the top 100 search results.

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Vidmonials Features

Video Testimonials

Video Testimonials

Vidmonials offer simple and easy steps to record and submit video testimonials with the link provided, without signing up on Vidmonials.

Convert Existing Reviews Into Videos

Easily create professional videos from boring texts. Your regular text reviews can be converted into stunning videos in no time.

Convert Existing Reviews Into Videos
Enable Video Reviews In Your Existing Surveys

Enable Video Reviews In Your Existing Surveys

Video reviews can be easily enabled into your existing surveys. Build customer trust and manage everything from a single platform.

Easy-to-Manage Vidmonials Library

A powerful video library where users can scroll and see every testimonial collected and get the information needed about the sender.

Video Review Library
SEO Benefits of Video Review

Review Requests & SEO Benefits

Vidmonials can bring about a 67% increase in your SEO conversions. People are more convinced about watching a person talk about the product than reading a text.

Embeddable Video Widgets

Utilize embeddable widgets that represent what your customer views are and grow your business from your website.

Video Review Service widget
Video Testimonials Marketing

Sharing & Marketing Vidmonials

Video testimonials recorded get more public attention when you share them on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Here’s What People Like You Are Saying About Vidmonials

Schedule a demo call with our experts and let us provide you the magical ingredient to convert your video reviews into actual sales.

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Well, it’s pretty simple. All you have to do is follow simple steps!